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Encuentra su expresion en el fuego cordial, temerario candente de duda metafisica. Sonia desgrana su cofre de reconditas gemas para hacerla caja de musica, refugio de sus horas, alivio del rigor de humanas tempestades"
Viviana Lombardi, C0-directora de Azahar literario, acerca de  "Retazos"
This is the book written by one of the most fascinating and engaged women that ever came into my lecture theatre. The volume, written in English by a person whose language is other than English, speak volume to me as a fellow non-native speaker. Many powerful messages about the (power) of language and its (often hidden) cultural meanings. Enjoyable and powerful. Jana J. Lecture at University of East London, about "Words are not enough"
"If you have not roots in a place, in a country and you are belong to the universe of universes, by reading this collection of poems you will then understand yourself more, everything will start making sense. Truly a beautiful journey of identification." Aminah Zamora, Human rights activist, about "Words are not enough"
"Amazing book! The poems are full of word imagination; they are charming, emotional and ingenious. This poet is a genuine gift for language."
Lena Korolova, psychologist, about "Words are not enough"
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